Ludeca explains that Uhtred has both defended Wessex and Mercia. Sigtryggr then orders for Æthelhelm, Ælflæd, and Ælfweard to be locked up. Æthelflæd worries that Edward’s men might have taken her child. Eadith would prefer to find her own way and says goodbye to Ælfwynn and Æthelstan. Winchester, WessexWiltshire, Wessex (originally) The Last Kingdom is een Britse televisieserie uit 2015. Edward has come in place of the king. Aldhelm believes they owe their victory over the Danes to Æthelflæd. Alle neuen Infos zur Serie hat Netzwelt. Æthelflæd urges Uhtred to trust her brother. Aldhelm wonders what bargain was struck in Northumbria to allow the brothers to leave with their lives. They propose sending 30 men to guard her. Æthelflæd will ask Aldhelm to make inquiries. Family Æthelflæd replies that their daughter isn’t half Dane, but Æthelred only sees a Dane. "The Empty Throne" Æthelflæd replies that he is not blind. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cause of Death Despite the attacks, Edward decides to proceed with the coronation. Añadir a la cesta Lista de deseos. However, Æthelflæd refuses to back down. Æthelflæd then asks Uhtred what happened at Bebbanburg, and he starts to cry. Sable tells Æthelflæd that she has the will of a queen. They’re marching to Tettenhall. ("Episode 4.3"), Aegelesburg, Mercia; Æthelflæd and Aldhelm arrive in Aegelesburg. Erstmals ausgestrahlt wurde sie am 10. "The Last Kingdom" wird für eine 5. She tells him that their son would like to see him as he often speaks fondly of his father. Historically ("Episode 4.6"), As Æthelflæd and Aldhelm wait for the arrival of Uhtred, she wonders if she was wrong to interfere with the betrothal. He withdraws his blade and sneaks up behind her, though he assures Æthelflæd that he means her no harm. Æthelred and Æthelhelm question how Uhtred knew where to find Æthelflæd. Temple Column. He was born on a night of a whole moon. Æthelflæd suggests that Uhtred stay behind while she returns to Aegelesburg. "The Last Kingdom" basiert auf den Büchern von Bernard Cornwell. Season von „The Last Kingdom“ bestellt, ist beim anhaltenden Erfolg der Historien-Serie wohl nur eine Frage der Zeit. ("Episode 4.9"), Ælswith, Æthelstan, Stiorra, Æthelhelm, Ælflæd, and Ælfweard are taken to Brida, Sigtryggr, and Eardwulf. ("Episode 4.9"), Chapel, Winchester, Wessex; Ælflæd blames Edward for not being in Winchester to protect them. He tells Æthelflæd that much like Erik, he is someone who she can never be with. She asks if he’s spoken with Erik and what he has told her. Many Mercians believe that uniting the body of the saint will restore their land to greatness. Æthelred has proposed 4,000 pieces. Æthelflæd retorts that he’ll punish her no matter what she does. If Mercia falls, then Wessex will stand alone against the Danes. She then tells Aldhelm to search for survivors and bring them to her. During "The Burning Land", they fall into a forbidden love. He tells her not to return south. ("Episode 2.1"), Æthelflæd trains with Steapa. For all of Æthelflæd's family, see below Æthelhelm tells Ælfweard that the men of Wessex are fighters. The first series of eight episodes premiered on 10 October 2015 on BBC America, and on BBC Two in the UK on 22 October 2015. ("Episode 4.3"), Young Uhtred says a prayer for the lives lost during the Dane attack. However, Æthelflæd despises her husband. Genealogist David H. Kelley and historian Pauline Stafford have identified him as Æthelhelm, a son of Edward's uncle, King Æthelred of Wessex. "The Last Kingdom": Uhtreds Tochter wird in Staffel 4 eine größere Rolle spielen. ("Episode 3.1"), Saltwic, Mercia; Aldhelm arrives at Æthelflæd’s estate and sneaks in through a window. Æthelflæd is concerned about the fate of their daughter should he die. Aldhelm tells Æthelflæd that it is not she who is abandoning Mercia but the other way around. A second series of eight episodes was aired on BBC Two in the UK in March 2017. Lord Æthelhelm explains that what Edward needs is to listen to those wiser than him, who knows the cost of battle. ("Episode 4.8"), Uhtred reveals that he’ll be leaving for Coccham. Æthelflæd rushes into his arms as he orders Odda and Wulfhere to ride towards the Severn River to face Ubba while he rides south to face Guthrum. Uhtred warns her that she will lose her entire family, and she will die. ("Episode 4.8"), Stiorra tells Finan and Æthelflæd to come to the front gate as Uhtred, Osferth, and Sihtric return with a fyrd. Offa explains that Uhtred is Alfred’s sword and shield. ("Episode 4.5"), Æthelflæd informs Uhtred and Aldhelm of Æthelred’s demise. As a young man, he behaved as such. ("Episode 4.5"), Uhtred, Æthelflæd, and Aldhelm meet with Edward and Pyrlig to discuss the succession of the king. Eardwulf cannot be controlled and will bring disaster. Hair She led them to a great victory that they will speak of for years to come. Welcome to the official channel for The Last Kingdom. Lord Æthelhelm encourages his daughter to keep the king satisfied. ("Episode 3.10"), Winchester, Wessex; Ælflæd and Ælfweard approach Edward, though he doesn’t appear interested in either of them. He then tells Uhtred that while he remains an outlaw, he is under the protection of Lady Æthelflæd and free to leave when he is ready. The Last Kingdom Review. It will hopefully choke those guarding the gate. ("Episode 4.7"), Æthelflæd awakens in bed next to Ælfwynn. She was right in approaching Hywel to ask for an army to help Aethelflaed defeat Cnut, but she needed to ensure that Edward gets the credit in the end. 10 novels (see below) Pyrlig and Lord Æthelhelm advise King Edward from being drawn in. Staffel wird noch 2020 gedreht. Just as she is about to kill him, Erik and Dagfinn restrain her. Meaning the fever is just fields away. ("Episode 4.9"), Eoferwic, Northumbria; Not shown but Æthelflæd and the Mercian Guard have recaptured the city of Eoferwic. Ælswith adds that it’s too late and that Uhtred can be across the seas by now. He tells her to remove her clothes, claiming that Erik sent him. And then, without being aware why, she realized that she did in fact love him. Ein angelsächsischer Krieger wird als Sohn von Adeligen geboren. Aldhelm then informs them that the gathering has started. Æthelflæd asks where is her daughter, and Ælfwynn rushes into her arms. They’re guided in by Father Pyrlig. However, Uhtred feels guilty for sending Brida to her doom. The Last Kingdom is on Netflix and season four arrived earlier in 2020, and it was full of surprises. Aldhelm will remain at Æthelred’s side, but he is not the king that Aldhelm had hoped he would become. Pyrlig then relays this to the king. Uhtred with his some 40 men return to Æthelflæd's side and rescue her from the Lord Aldhelm. "Episode 3.7" ("Episode 2.5"), Æthelflæd is married to Æthelred. Ælswith tells him to pray they offer more. She replies that it is in his nature. If he’s ruler, Mercia will protect her. She hopes Uhtred will come with her and use her father’s army to recover Skade. I am glad that they didn’t drag that out too much. ("Episode 2.7"), Hæsten walks towards Æthelflæd’s chamber. She realizes they’re being followed and they jump off their horses and hide. Deceased Admittedly, Ælswith has not loved him for a long time. Deutsche Serienfans durften sich am 19. Violent, Gritty, Dark, Exciting. ("Episode 1.5"), Athelney Marshes, Wessex; Æthelflæd escapes with her family to the swamplands after Winchester is invaded by the Danes. Period Pieces. She suspects Uhtred would’ve gone on ahead to Ceaster, so Æthelflæd and Aldhelm follow. Genres. Instead of helping, he tells Pyrlig to dispatch messengers to find Æthelred. If thou hast gone aside to another man, the Lord shall make thy thigh to rot and thy belly to swell. ("Episode 4.5"), Aldhelm informs Æthelflæd and Uhtred that he’s spoken with the Ealdormen and there’s to be a Witan with the survivors. Abbess witnesses the assault and runs inside to inform the others of the Danes’ arrival. S4 Until then, Æthelflæd will go to Winchester to comfort her mother. He tells her to use her voice more in battle. She exclaims "Death is coming!" Image from The Last Kingdom, streamed via Netflix. She knew that without her, he couldn’t be the king she needed him to be. After the celebration, Uhtred and Æthelred are to travel to London to assess the threat. She also cared for Ælfwynn on the road. Uhtred wants 1,000 men and he will give them Beamfleot and peace. Residence ("Episode 3.7"), Winchester, Wessex; Æthelflæd, Æthlred, and Aldhelm arrive for Edward’s wedding and attend the arranged marriage between him and Ælflæd. Æthelflæd jumps out the window and onto the horse. ("Episode 4.8"), Aldhelm tells Uhtred that while his reign was brief, he served Mercia well and they now have the ruler they need in Æthelflæd. The Last Kingdom ist eine Serie von Stephen Butchard mit Alexander Dreymon (Uhtred), Emily Cox (Brida). Ein Produzent nennt die Gründe. ("Episode 4.10"), Winchester, Wessex; They are escorted out their prison and taken to Brida and Sigtryggr. He orders them to turn around and show Æthelflæd the back of their heads out of respect. Staffel an und spielt wie diese im Zeitalter der Vikinger und des noch gespaltenen Englands. Fans have been discussing these days if The Last Kingdom Season 5 will show Aelflaed (played by Amelia Clarkson) being killed in a revenge plot. Æthelhelm finished the last of the water. Die 2. Die Serie basiert auf dem Roman von Bernard Cornwell. Which Edward and Æthelflæd did not refuse. If Æthelred dies, times will be unstable. Die 3. Video - "The Last Kingdom" Season 3Music - Sofia Karlberg - Crazy in love They claim that they only want to warn Alfred about Hæsten. "The Flame Bearer" He tells Dagfinn to keep his mouth closed as he enters her chamber to hump her. They suddenly get word of Danes in the kitchen. S2 They’ve likely closed the roads to contain the sickness. Still, Æthelflæd doesn’t believe Uhtred is the right man. She thought his death would bring her peace, but it hasn’t. Æthelhelm tells Ælflæd to drink enough water and give the jug back and after that not to drink anymore. ("Episode 2.3"), Æthelflæd eavesdrops as her parents discuss with Æthelred, her husband-to-be, the price of her marriage. He also only holds the position until a younger Ealdormen can come of age and Lady Ælfwynn is old enough to marry. Æthelflæd explains that he wanted to avoid bloodshed for his men. She reminds Ælswith that she is anointed Queen. Family Mark Rowley äußert aber schon mal, welches Ende er sich für Finan wünscht. Last Kingdoms Staffel 2 setzt fließend nach der 1. Finan (The Last Kingdom) Sihtric (The Last Kingdom) Aelflaed (fl. Steapa interrupts to inform Pyrlig that the Danes have attacked Mercia. But tonight, he will believe what Æthelflæd believes. Uhtred argues that the Gods simply play with them. Æthelred is insulted by her tone. To keep Wessex safe, they must look beyond its borders, where Christians suffer under the same rule of the Danes. Last Appearance But Mani is chased each night across the sky by Hati the wolf. If the book series followed factual date of Æthelflæd's birth then these are her ages throughout the books: Æthelflæd is a noble; she was born a princess of. Æthelflæd will meet with them and tell her father of Hæsten’s attack on her. Staffel von "The Last Kingdom" gar nicht vorkommt. However, Æthelflæd wishes to help Uhtred, who has helped them many times before. It is soon revealed that the ailing Alfred of Wessex advised Æthelflæd to use Uhtred's oath. ("Episode 2.6"), Æthelred and Æthelflæd have dinner. Æthelflæd was born c.870 and died in 918, at roughly 48 years of age. ("Episode 4.3"), Ælflæd interrupts Edward’s prayer and tells him to come to bed and that God is guiding him. Finan and Osferth alert the others that the Danes are charging towards the gate. Meanwhile, Cnut pulls himself up from under the pile of dead bodies in the ditch. Watch Queue Queue. The Last Kingdom: 5. Ælflæd Television Series In the meantime, she orders Uhtred to go to Ceaster and take her daughter somewhere she can be protected. Ælflæd of Wessex (before, Ælflæd of Wiltshire) is a supporting character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Alexander Dreymon, eigentlich Alexander Doetsch, (* 7.Februar 1983) ist ein deutscher Schauspieler.Seine bisher bekannteste Rolle ist die von Uthred von Bebbanburg in der Fernsehserie The Last Kingdom. "Death of Kings" She will swear an oath that as long as she is Lady of Mercia, she will remain chaste. ("Episode 4.7"), Aegelesburg, Mercia; They arrive outside of Aegelesburg’s gates, where they are confronted by Cenric. Aldhelm tells Æthelflæd to act for Mercia and call the men to arms. To alert those at the camp. Uhtred then gives Skade over to Hæsten in exchange for him leaving peacefully. Alfred doesn’t believe that Uhtred can be saved. Ælswith is to be confined to punishment for raising an army without the king’s consent. He’s merely someone trying to prevent chaos. Alex Woolf concurs and Pauline Stafford describes Æthelflæd as "the last Mercian queen", referred to in charters in such terms as "by the gift of Christ's mercy ruling the government of the Mercians". Instead, she asks that Edward first find a suitor and they will arrange a match. So, Uhtred asks where is Æthelflæd’s army. She has assigned her guard to Uhtred and will remain in Merica until the battle. She fears that people will see him nothing more than a tyrant imposed by Wessex. He fears he is dying after the priests prayed over over him as though preparing for final rights. Notice Edward fears that it is too soon for Æthelflæd to leave. Æthelflæd would prefer a lord selected by Wessex. ("Episode 4.9"), Ælswith, Æthelstan, Æthelhelm, Ælflæd, and Ælfweard remain locked up. And, fans who have binge-watched Season 4 must have a lot of questions. One that could endanger Ælflæd’s son when the time comes. Uhtred orders Finan to stay with Æthelflæd and guard her quarters. Aelfwyn is not known to have married and may have gone to a convent. Expect teasers and trailers for the anticipated series alongside feature videos, behind the scenes interviews and more. Im Jahre 872 sind viele der einzelnen Königreiche, die wir heute als England kennen, an die dänischen Invasoren gefallen, und so steht das große Königreich Wesse trotzig und alleine da unter der Herrschaft von König Alfred (David Dawson, "Peaky Blinders - Gangs of Birmingham"). ("Episode 4.5"), Uhtred informs Æthelflæd that Edward has ordered all his troops to Aegelesburg. Ælfflæd was the daughter of an ealdorman Æthelhelm, probably ealdorman Æthelhelm of Wiltshire who died in 897. She warns him against trusting Skade, as she carries a darkness. Oder? They inform her that Uhtred returned to Aegelesburg to bargain for her protection and Ælfwynn is stricken with the sickness. Thanks to their generosity, we have piles of … Æthelflæd of Mercia (before, Æthelflæd of Wessex) is a main character in both The Saxon Stories novel series, and The Last Kingdom television series. Æthelred then takes the time to apologize to Æthelflæd. Uhtred, Finan, and Sihtric trick the Danes into leaving. With Alexander Dreymon, Eliza Butterworth, Ian Hart, Arnas Fedaravicius. They then share a kiss. Hopefully, in time, things will change for them. Æthelflæd pleads with Ludeca to oppose this plan, but he can’t as it offers stability. They enter Ælfwynn’s chamber to find Eadith watching over her. He will take Eoferwic and agree never to enter Wessex, Mercia, or East Anglia. Æthelflæd accuses Edward of simply doing what’s best for him as opposed to Mercia. Æthelflæd retorts that the child is their daughter. When Æthelred leaves the table, Aldhelm warns her that he has been tasked with bedding her. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Juli 2020 um 20.00 Uhr erstmalig veröffentlicht. Thyra watches as the Danes approach. He does so after some convincing, as does Sigtryggr. She’s treated cruelly because as Æthelred points out, Ælfwynn isn’t his daughter. Brida notes that something isn’t right and orders them to fallback, but Cnut leads his men forward, right into Uhtred’s trap; a large, camouflaged ditch. Her parents are reluctant to help him. Æthelhelm assures his daughter he will do what he must. Beocca admits that there is a way, from the holy books. Uhtred then leaves to find Stiorra.