In 1952 it was renamed "NAGEMA VEB Maschinenfabrik "Nikos Belojannis", after a Greek communist who had been an inmate in a German concentration camp in Greece. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les vestiges des crématoires acquirent rapidement la signification symbolique de monuments funéraires et de lieux de mémoire. From 1941, Topf & Söhne used forced labour in its factory, as did many other German firms in the Nazi period. From March 1943 until November 1944, nearly 1 million people were murdered and disposed of at the camp. The brothers later became the owners and managers of the firm during the Nazi period. [5][1], In 1959 the state prosecutors in Frankfurt reopened investigations into Topf. Der DFB zeichnet seit 2005 Vereine, Institutionen und Einzelpersonen aus, die sich für Demokratie und Menschenwürde sowie gegen Antisemitismus, Rassismus und jede Form der Diskriminierung einsetzen. JA Topf e Filhos ( alemão: JA Topf & Söhne) era uma empresa de engenharia, fundada em 1878 em Erfurt, Alemanha por Johannes Andreas Topf (1816-1891). He established the new company to sell a system for heating brewing coppers which he had invented and patented. Das Familienunternehmen Topf & Söhne a) Die Geschichte des Unternehmens. Elle fut l'un des deux principaux fournisseurs des fours crématoires utilisés par l'Allemagne nazie[1]. En 1941, Ludwig Topf parvint à se soustraire à son service militaire en affirmant qu'il était indispensable pour le projet Auschwitz. The Spruchkammer had difficulties in getting evidence, partly due to a lack of co-operation between American officials and officials in Soviet occupied Erfurt. Topf und Söhne ging in 1940 een samenwerkingsverband aan met het Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA), dat het beheer over de concentratiekampen had. In World War II it also made weapons shells and aircraft parts for the Luftwaffe. " Es sind 4 Jahre vergangen. Barracks that could accommodate 52 Zwangsarbeiter were built on the Topf & Söhne factory site. However, important witness statements were lost and Soviet authorities in Erfurt were no longer interested in assisting with the case. They used stop-watches to time the process and took notes. Die „Besetzer_innen“ wollen mit der Aktion auf den Abriss der Industriebrache Topf und Söhne sowie der drohenden Räumung des Besetzten Hauses auf einem Teil des ehemaligen Firmengeländes aufmerksam machen. Later, the company diversified into silos, chimneys, incinerators for burning municipal waste, and crematoria.During World War I it made weapons shells, limbers (carts … La Villa Cotta ® als wurzelnackte Rose kaufen. [1], The muffles of the concentration camp ovens were smaller than those for civil crematoria, because no space for a coffin was needed, which saved both space and fuel. He owned his own brewery and had also worked in the fuel technology industry. Originally, it made heating systems and brewing and malting equipment. Cependant les relations avec la SS étaient houleuses. Before crematoria II, III and IV at Auschwitz II were officially put into operation, on 5 March 1943, in the presence of high-ranking SS officers from Berlin, camp authorities and Topf & Söhne staff, a test of crematorium II was held to measure the speed at which bodies could be disposed of. By 1885 J.A. Un brevet portant sur un four fonctionnant en continu est même déposé. It was handed over on 3 July 1945. He had a reputation as a womaniser and was living with his secretary, 19 years his junior, at the time of his death. En même temps, ils confirment l'importance qu'a eue Topf & Fils pour le perfectionnement de l'extermination industrialisée. In Heil- und Pflegeanstalten wurden 1940/1941 in der "Aktion T4" Menschen mit Behinderungen und psychischen Erkrankungen systematisch ermordet. Topf and Sons (German: J.A. Those present observed the bodies being put in the ovens and burned. The company's history was not fully researched until after German reunification in 1990. Topf und Söhne 2 juni 2009 . He developed a two-muffle transportable oven in September 1939, which was delivered to Dachau concentration camp in November 1939. J.A. It is the only memorial of its type relating to a civilian company's collaboration in the Holocaust. At least 620 foreigners were forced to work for the company. The majority of the French, Soviets and Italians were prisoners of war. Les installations Topf & Fils représentaient une avancée considérable pour les crémations lors de funérailles religieuses. [1], In 1951 Topf founded a new company, in Wiesbaden, to make crematoria and refuse incinerators. There was further bad publicity when the book Macht ohne Moral ('Power without Morals') was published in 1957. These people received wages, but they were paid 25–30% less than the German employees. The Topf brothers wanted to return and manage the firm, but at a company works council meeting on 30 January 1933, they were labelled "Judengenossen" (friends of Jews) and not suitable to lead the company. wurzelnackt im Topf. In the early 1930s, due to the economic crisis of the Weimar Republic, the company lost business to such an extent that by Spring 1933 it was in danger of bankruptcy. A. Topf und Söhne za pomocą Hoteli Skyscanner. Heute beginnt das 8-Jahre-besetzt-Festival im Besetzten Haus auf dem ehemaligen Topf & Söhne Gelände in Erfurt. Il ne fut jamais inquiété par la justice[3]. Plus miljontals hotell, resorter, lägenheter och vandrarhem över hela världen. In an interview given in 2005, his daughter Hildegard who was 16 in 1943, said she would never forget him saying on his return, "If what I have seen comes out, we will all be wading up to our knees in blood". His brother Julius died of blood poisoning later the same year. Ils donnent au souvenir une forme visible et tangible. He returned Erfurt to do two six-month internships, one in a bank and another in a malting company. A 'muffle' is the incineration chamber where the body is put. After the war, the company was confiscated and nationalised by the Soviet administration. It also includes transcripts of two documents from the original Topf company, making its collaboration with the SS clear. In all, Topf built 25 crematoria ovens which had a total of 76 incineration chambers (called 'muffles') for concentration camps. The film and still photographs of the camp were shown around the world. Kurt Prüfer, le directeur de la division de Construction des Fours Spéciaux, était dans une situation difficile sur le plan interne, car la direction de l'entreprise jugeait qu'il rapportait trop peu de bénéfices. C'est dans les années 1930 que Ludwig et Ernst Wolfgang Topf commencèrent à travailler dans l'entreprise créée par leur grand-père. Für den Fall einer Räumung des Besetzten Hauses auf dem ehemaligen Gelände von Topf & Söhne wollen zudem rund 200 Menschen eine Sitzblockade veranstalten. Wähle aus Millionen von Zimmern in Hotels, Resorts, Apartments und Hostels weltweit aus. After the truth about the concentration camps was exposed, Topf & Söhne's involvement was quite widely known. Topf & Söhne was producing heating, brewing and malting systems and working collaboratively with other firms to sell products all over Germany and beyond. Meer over 1942: - Bekijk deze uitzending in het scherm hierboven. [5] He left a suicide note claiming that he and his brother were innocent and that he was the 'opposite' of a Nazi, but he thought he would be used as a scapegoat anyway. [12][6], It was calculated that all four of Auschwitz II's crematoria had the capacity to cremate a total of 8000 bodies per day, although the actual numbers were usually lower. In addition, deductions were made for food and accommodation, and other costs. [15] Initially, the process of gassing prisoners and then letting fresh air into the gas chambers lasted several hours, but after the exhaust fans were installed this was reduced to about an hour, thus reducing the turn around time. Schüle, Annegret: Industrie und Holocaust. Am 05.04.09 wurde die ehemalige Villa der Familie Topf in der Rubenstraße in Erfurt scheinbesetzt. Prüfer and Sander, who disliked each other and competed with one another, disagreed about how well the device would work in practice. Topf und Söhne. Erfurt, 1938, Die Brüder Ernst Wolfgang (3. von rechts) und Ludwig Topf (links) vor dessen Villa mit Verwandten. Cerca e confronta hotel vicino a J.A. [26][27], Squatters moved onto part of the site of the former factory on 12 April 2001 and set up an independent culture centre known as Das Besetzte Haus (the occupied house). Même si ces fours particuliers ne représentaient qu'une petite activité annexe pour la société, celle-ci parvint rapidement à conquérir une place de leader sur le marché des fours crématoires en Allemagne. [22] The book contains photographs of piles of bodies and crematoria at various concentration camps. Ludwig Topf et son frère Ernst-Wolfgang, industriels bien connus d'Erfurt, avaient pris la carte de membre du parti nazi fin avril 1933 mais ils n'étaient ni racistes ni antisémites. He was held in custody and interrogated for two or three weeks and then let go. He founded the firm against the advice of his sons, although the younger two sons, Julius and Ludwig, joined him. Epithets such as 'the engineers of the final solution' and 'the technicians of mass murder' have been applied to Töpf & Söhne, because, to a greater extent than its competitors, it used its considerable expertise to assist the Nazi regime to make mass execution into an efficient, industrial process. The Zwangsarbeiter had to work 56 hours per week in comparison with the 42 hours worked by German employees, although they were paid 25–30% less. Topf was required to provide two sworn witness statements regarding his non-Nazi political leanings – two employees of Topf & Söhne provided these and vouched for him. Erarbeitung der Grundlagen und Dokumentation der Geschichte der Firma J.A. [16], From 1941 until the end of the war at least 620 people were engaged as forced labour (German:Zwangsarbeiter). [1], After leaving school, Ludwig studied machine engineering at the Technische Hochschule Hannover, now the University of Hannover. Topf died in 1979. Topf & Fils (J.A. [4], On 1 March 1946 the firm was given a large contract for malting and brewing equipment by the reparations department of the Soviet military, however a few days later, four engineers of the firm were arrested. [28] The University of Erfurt's television channel, UNIcut,[31] made a short report about the occupation shortly before the eviction. From October 1945 he went to live in the town of Gudensberg, in the district Fritzlar-Homberg, in the American zone, where his niece, the daughter of his sister Hanna, was working for the American military administration. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag. [3][7], Ludwig Topf was wealthy and successful, but committed suicide in February 1914, aged 51, due to the stress of running the business. [1], At its peak Topf & Söhne was the largest company of its type in the world. It had already been agreed in the Yalta Conference, held in February 1945, that the area would come under Soviet control after the Germans had been defeated. The SS were holding 125,000 Soviet prisoners of war in Auschwitz II, and it was calculated that with the use of the new ovens, they could all be killed and disposed of in about four months. En effet, les fours étaient peu fiables et n'étaient garantis que deux mois. [1], On 26 October 1942, the engineer Fritz Sander, Prüfer's manager, applied for a patent for what he called a "continuous operation corpse incineration oven for mass use". It was privatised in 1993 after German reunification and it went bankrupt in 1996. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». [5], After falling into decay for many years, the former Topf & Söhne site was given historic monument protection status by the state of Thuringia in 2003. ); Ludwig (1903–1945), and Ernst Wolfgang (1904–1979). [30] Else Topf supported this stance. Au début du XX e siècle, elle était déjà l'un des plus grands fabricants mondiaux d'installations de chaufferies industrielles pour brasseries. [11], In addition to making ovens for Buchenwald, Auschwitz and Dachau, Topf & Söhne also supplied a transportable double-muffle oven and a stationary double-muffle oven for Mauthausen-Gusen, a triple-muffle oven at Groß-Rosen and a four-muffle oven at Mogilev ghetto. Meyerbeer, Karl; Späth, Pascal (eds) (2012), Besetztes Haus Erfurt in Aktion: Widerstand gegen Räumung, Die Räumung des Besetzten Hauses in Erfurt am 16.04.2009, Forced labour under German rule during World War II, The engineers of the "final solution". Topf & Söhne, hoping to capitalise on its good reputation prior to World War II. Crematorium IV was out of use from May 1943, after only two months of service, because it developed cracks. However, for appearances sake, they were persuaded to join the Nazi party, in April 1933. Quellen: Lehmann, Heidrun: Stadtverband der Kleingärtner besteht seit 20 Jahren, Thüringische Landeszeitung vom 18.05.2010. Topf committed suicide on 31 May 1945, by cyanide poisoning. This was a four-storey oven designed for Auschwitz II. Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz. A. Topf & Söhne (gegründet 1878, bis zum Konkurs 1994 als EMS - Erfurter Mälzerei- und Speicherbau tätig) ist ein prominentes Beispiel für die Mittäterschaft der Industrie bei der Vernichtung der europäischen Juden. The firm's senior managers already had a lot of independence and operations continued without any major upheaval. Oltre a una vasta selezione di hotel, resort, appartamenti e ostelli in tutto il mondo. (20 cm, 16 cm, 28 cm), Edelstahl/schwarz. Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz“ von Annegret Schüle (Wallstein-Verlag Göttingen. Topf & Söhne ist ein authentischer Ort der Mittäterschaft der Industrie am Holocaust. However, in an administration office at Birkenau camp, the Soviets found documentation relating to Topf & Söhne, detailing "the construction of the technology of mass death, complete with the precise costs of crematoria and calculations of the number of corpses each could incinerate in a day". By 1914, it was one of the largest firms of its type in the world, employing over 500 staff and exporting to 50 countries. [4] Ils témoignent de ce que subissaient les gens à cet endroit. [4][23], Fritz Sander, Prüfer's manager, who was 70, died of heart failure on 26 March 1946 in Berlin, three weeks after his arrest and after four interrogation sessions. In October 1941, the SS placed an order for five three-muffle ovens for the new Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp (Auschwitz II), where it was initially estimated that over 1000 people per day would die. [5], After German reunification in 1990, over 2.5 million claims were made for restitution of property that had been confiscated during the Nazi period, or by the East German government. [1], Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps were liberated by the Red Army on the 26 and 27 January 1945. A. Topf & Söhne die Verbrennungsöfen und die Lüftungstechnik für die Gaskammern. Leurs projets dépassaient de loin les exigences de la SS. However, his business never did well. J.A. Assmann, Aleida; Hidderman, Frank (eds)(2002) Firma Topf & Söhne – Hersteller der Öfen für Auschwitz: Ein Fabrikgelände als Erinnerungsort? Comment ajouter mes sources ? Later, in Topf & Söhne's instructions on using the ovens, they advised adding bodies to the muffles at 20-minute intervals as the previous body burned down. A. Topf und Söhne — Das Unternehmen J. "[23], Over the next two years, the other three men remained in custody and were interrogated in Germany and in Moscow, where, on 17 April 1948, they were sentenced to 25 years in a Russian labour camp. [3], As Ernst Topf was now in western Germany and his brother Ludwig was dead, Topf & Söhne was declared an "ownerless company" and in 1946 it was taken over by the state and renamed "Topfwerke Erfurt VEB". [4], This was happening against a backdrop of rising Nazism. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen hier. The state of Thuringia contributed over one million euros to establishing the museum. However, the family made a further claim for financial compensation. As with all Topf & Söhne stationary ovens, the parts were made in the factory in Erfurt, and the firm's staff went on site to build them, often spending months at the camps. L'entreprise dans laquelle fut absorbée Topf & Fils à l'époque de la RDA tenta de faire endosser toute la responsabilité aux propriétaires capitalistes de l'entreprise. Two further legal proceedings followed in 1962 but neither resulted in a formal charge. The site of Buchenwald concentration camp can still be seen in the distance from the window where engineer Kurt Prüfer's desk stood. [24] Some descendants of the Topf family made a claim for the former family villa and factory in Erfurt which had been made state property. Les dirigeants de Topf & Fils, tout comme les employés concernés, nièrent toute culpabilité et toute complicité de ces crimes. Après la guerre, il se suicida. Pour effacer les traces de leurs crimes, les SS firent sauter les crématoires d'Auschwitz-Birkenau en janvier 1945. The company not only made crematoria ovens, it also made ventilation systems for the gas chambers at Auschwitz II–Birkenau. The museum documents the history of Topf & Söhne and its collaboration with the Nazi regime using material from the company's archives, oral history and items found at the Buchenwald concentration camp site. In 1955 Schultze and Braun were released early. On les retrouve, partiellement cachées, dans les documents de l'exposition. Topf moved the company to Mainz in 1954. Most of them came from France, Italy, the Soviet Union and Belgium. Sans Topf, les SS n'auraient jamais pu mettre en place un tel systèmes d'élimination des humains[4]. Topf und Söhne) est une société allemande spécialisée en installations de chauffage qui fut créée en 1878 à Erfurt. [28] About 30 remaining squatters were evicted by the police on 16 April 2009. Les avantages obtenus en échange étaient modestes, et ne peuvent expliquer que (très) partiellement un tel engagement. Herzlich Willkommen zum großen Produktvergleich. Sans sollicitation, de leur propre initiative, les ingénieurs de la société imaginèrent des installations encore plus efficaces pour l'extermination d'un nombre de gens toujours croissant. W. Kordes' Söhne, 2013 eingeführt Die Blüten von 'La Villa Cotta' sind sehr farbstabil und erscheinen in großen Dolden, was die Wirkung der intensiven Farbe noch mehr betont. Encuentra millones de habitaciones en hoteles, resorts y hostales de todo el mundo. He used the old family firm's name, J.A. Il était l'un des quatre ingénieurs qui furent arrêtés et condamnés par les fonctionnaires soviétiques en 1946. It was never built. Die Firma Topf & Söhne lieferte die benötigten Verbrennungsöfen und trat damit seinen Dienst als Handlanger des Holocaust an. April 2001 besetzten AntifaschistInnen einen Teil des ehemaligen Topf und Söhne Geländes in Erfurt. From April 1938 to March 1939, 90% of all cremations at Weimar came from Buchenwald. Damit kommt Topf & Söhne eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Umsetzung des Völkermords an den europäischen Juden und den Sinti und Roma zu. In the summer of 1944, almost 440,000 Hungarian Jews were transported to the camp and during this period up to 9,000 bodies per day, and sometimes as many as 10,000 per day, were cremated in the ovens, as well as in outdoor burning pits. La SS fut désignée comme seule coupable. C'est lui qui accéléra, à partir de 1939, la collaboration de Topf & Fils avec la SS. Les employés en question se servirent de leurs observations pour optimiser les installations d'extermination. Topf & Söhne war bereits vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg mit über 500 Angestellten kein mittelständisches Unternehmen mehr. The site and its history, Analyzing and documenting the history of the J. [4], In 1929, Ernst was employed at Topf & Söhne, and in 1931 Ludwig also joined the firm. Prüfer died in October 1952 of a stroke while in prison. In 1994 Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, the German Justice Minister, also refused that claim because, she said, the factory was used to manufacture the "murder machinery of the extermination camp. Busca y compara hoteles cercanos a J. [4], Ludwig and Else Topf had three children: Johanna, known as Hanna, (1902–? Johannes Topf died in 1891, and in 1904 Julius Topf stepped down to become a sleeping partner due to ill health, leaving Ludwig managing it on his own. After graduating from Hannover, he spent a further five years at Leipzig, Berlin and Rostock universities, studying a wide range of subjects, including economics, law, and sociology. The brothers, like their father, did have many good relationships with Jewish friends, neighbours and business contacts. Nazi concentration camp crematoria and gas chamber ventilation. Topf & Sons – Builders of the Auschswitz Ovens, Topf and Sons memorial site. [8], The influence of Nazi staff within the firm also grew. There were also small numbers of Poles, Dutch, Croatians and Czechs. L'extermination d'êtres humains n'était pas un phénomène passager dans le national-socialisme. Une réorganisation et une clarification du contenu paraissent nécessaires. [14][21], The US Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) started to investigate Topf & Söhne within a few days of the Buchenwald liberation, and took company documents. When their father died, the two sons, aged 10 and 9, were sent away to a boarding school. Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz“ der Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora in Verbindung mit dem Jüdischen Museum Berlin und dem Staatlichen Museum Auschwitz. The occupation was one of the most well known actions of left-radicals of that period in Germany. In 2007 the Dutch broadcaster VPRO made a television documentary about Topf & Söhne called The Big Denial as part of the In Europe series. The Nazi party first gained seats in the German parliament in 1928. [12], Topf & Söhne engineers and other staff visited the concentration camps many times, not only to install and repair equipment, but also to observe processes to help make them more efficient. Der ehemalige Firmensitz von J.A. [10] A Topf transportable, double-muffle oven was delivered in winter 1939/40, and two, three-muffle stationary ovens were ordered. für den Inhalt verantwortlich und Betreiber der Website. Malgré de nombreux efforts pour étouffer toute l'affaire, les complicités passives et actives ont laissé des traces. Kori. [4], He had four sons: Gustav (1853–1893); Albert (1857–1896); Max Julius Ernst, known as Julius (1859–1914) and Wilhelm Louis, known as Ludwig, (1863–1914). Kaum etwas in den Ruinen erinnert an die schreck­liche Bedeutung, die Überlebende des Holocaust bis heute mit dem Namen dieser Firma verbinden: Topf & Söhne, im Jahr 1878 als Spezialbetrieb für Feuerungs- und Mälzereianlagen in Erfurt gegründet, produzierte einen großen Teil der Krematorien für die nationalsozialistischen Vernichtungslager. [1], Initially, Buchenwald camp, which opened in July 1937, sent bodies to the local Weimar city crematorium. It sold its products globally; as far afield as Russia, Asia, North and South America, Australia, and New Zealand. These were Kurt Prüfer, Fritz Sander (1876–1946), Karl Schultze (1900-died after 1955) and Gustav Braun (1889–1958). They also filmed the camp, including the crematoria, with the camera pointedly focusing on the J.A. Because of this, at the end of 1932, the brothers were made redundant. [20], On 27 April 1945, Ludwig Topf organised a meeting with company's works council at which it was agreed that the line to be taken with investigators was that workers and management knew that the ovens were delivered to concentration camps, but that they did not know the details of what was going on. The company's crematoria department was closed in 1955 and in 1957 it stopped production of all forms of combustion machinery and was renamed VEB Erfurter Mälzerei- und Speicherbau (VEB EMS), (Erfurt Oasthouse and Granary Construction). A book about the occupation was published in 2012, titled Topf & Söhne – Besetzung auf einem Täterort (Topf & Söhne – Occupation of a crime scene). The Patent Application, Concentration camps shown as film evidence during the Nuremberg Trials, German Minister Says Heirs of Crematorium Maker Won’t Be Compensated, Regional events in Germany keep memories of the Holocaust alive, Hochschulfernsehen "UNIcut" feiert Jubiläum, Topf & Sons Remembrance Site official website,, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 4,1 von 5 Sternen 16. It prospered during World War I due to contracts for weapons shells and military vehicles. Améliorez-le, discutez des points à améliorer ou précisez les sections à recycler en utilisant {{section à recycler}}. [4], The company began manufacturing incinerators for burning municipal waste and, from 1914, crematoria for local authorities, due to the increasing acceptability of cremation as a means of body disposal. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. … Ansehen Film from Buchenwald and other concentration camps was used as evidence at the Nuremberg Trials. Ernst also studied at Hannover, but took business studies. On 16 April 2009 about 30 remaining squatters who occupied part of the Topf & Söhne site from 2001 to 2009 were evicted by the police. [3], In addition to Auschwitz and Auschwitz II–Birkenau, Topf & Söhne also built crematoria ovens for Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen-Gusen, Mogilev ghetto, and the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. Grâce à des contrats lucratifs pour un programme de construction d'entrepôts pour l'armée, ils purent consolider leur entreprise qui avait connu des revers à la suite de la crise économique mondiale. [3][6], When Johannes Topf founded the firm on 1 July 1878 he was already 62 years old. on Holocaust related topics. He was unmarried and had no children. Wyszukaj i porównaj hotele w pobliżu: J. La direction de l'entreprise, les ingénieurs et les monteurs non seulement livrèrent les fours crématoires pour faire disparaître les personnes assassinées. [14], At the end of June 1945, Ernst Topf travelled to an insurance company in Stuttgart, then in the French occupied zone, to collect a 300,000 Reichmark life insurance payout that was due following his brother Ludwig's death. Topf and Sons (German: J.A. Topf's wife Erika, aged 52, died in April 1963. [8] Der Beitritt zur NSDAP sowie die anfängliche Geschäftsbeziehung zur SS können teilweise mit der Angst der Gebrüder um den … This was illegal, but all subsequent multi-muffle ovens built for the concentration camps were designed in the same way. Out of the five ovens at Dachau concentration camp, four were made by H. Kori and one by Topf & Söhne. Topf & Kopf Raucherbedarf GmbH A-2604 Theresienfeld, Flugfeldstrasse 3/2 Tel:+43 2622 71396 Das Unternehmen stellte der SS leistungsstarke Öfen für die Beseitigung der Leichen in den Konzentrationslagern zur Verfügung und zögerte nicht, technische Lösungen zur "Optimierung" des Mordens im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau zu liefern. Elsa Topf was also estranged from her daughter, whose marriage she disapproved of. Au sein de leur entreprise, les frères Topf dépendaient de la longue expérience de leurs chefs de division et de leurs ingénieurs de l'époque. Topf & Söhne logo and manufacturer's name plate attached to the ovens. In den Krematorien für den Völkermord an den europäischen Juden und Sinti und Roma errichteten Ingenieure von J. During World War I it made weapons shells, limbers (carts for carrying artillery) and other military vehicles. [5], The site of the former factory is now a holocaust memorial site and a museum. The Americans forced the citizens of nearby Weimar to walk through the camp to witness what had been going on. It includes archival footage from the 1930s and 40s, and footage of the ruins of the Topf family villa in 2007 and the Erfurt factory site and administration building before it was restored as a memorial site. [13][14], In early 1943, the Topf & Söhne fitter Heinrich Messing installed exhaust fans in the Auschwitz II crematoria and also in the gas chambers. Unterstützt wird die Aktion von der Grünen Jugend, der DGB-Jugend, den Jusos, dem Jugendbüro RedRoXX, der Offenen Arbeit und anderen, wie eine Sprecherin mitteilte.