The illusion of group effectivity refers to the belief, persistent despite contradictory empirical evidence, that groups can stimulate creativity. Male student scores on the Mirels- Garrett Protestant Work Ethic Scale and Ho’s Australian Work Ethic Scale as well... Two studies examined the role of perceived self-rival similarity in the experience of romantic jealousy, which is assumed to reflect threats to self-evaluation. Und so mancher hat ihn vertuscht – Fehlerkultur und Fuck-up-Nights hin oder her.. Da diese statistischen Daten auf unserem eigenen Server ausgewertet werden, erfolgt keine Ãbertragung von Daten an Google. Corresponding author: Katharina Diehl, Dipl.‐Soz., Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine, Ludolf‐Krehl‐Straße 7‐11, D‐68167 Mannheim, Germany. Con... Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. The message was either unambiguous strong, unambiguous weak, or ambiguous. Studied the effects of cross-categorization of groups on intergroup discrimination. So bewerben Sie sich. Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine (MIPH) Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University. Besuchen Sie uns in der Kirchwaldstr. Erstmals wurden in einer experimentellen Untersuchung 152 Teilnehmende an einem Assessment Center instruiert, sich flexibel, d. h. situationsangemessen oder sich charakterstark, d. h. prinzipientreu zu verhalten. In Experiment 1 wurde die relative Verfugbarkeit des Erfolges von Jan Ullrich direkt mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens manipuliert, i... We hypothesize that, when encountering a new or unfamiliar attitude object that has both positiveandnegative attributes, such evaluatively inconsistent information leads toattitudinal ambivalence,that is, a coexistence of positive and negative evaluation of the particular object. Ein Test der Optimalen Distinktheits-Theorie vonBrewer, Das "prototype matching"-Modell des Entscheidungsverhaltens: Der Einfluß kognitiver Belastung, Zeitdruck und Stimmung, Der Einfluß von Prototypen auf die Informationssuche bei Entscheidungen, Solidarität ist nur eine Form des Engagements für andere, Effects of Attitudinal Ambivalence on Information Processing and Attitude-Intention Consistency, Das "prototype matching"-Modell des Entscheidungsverhaltens: Darstellung des Modells und erste Ergebnisse, Advances in Small Group Research: Contributions from the German-Speaking Countries between 1984 and 1995, Lack of motivation in groups: An empirical test of a theoretical integration, Social Compensation and the Köhler Effect: Toward a Theoretical Explanation of Motivation Gains in Group Productivity, Why Groups are less Effective than their Members: On Productivity Losses in Idea-generating Groups, Productivity Loss in Idea-Generating Groups: Tracking Down the Blocking Effect, Measures of national stereotypes as predictors of the latencies of inductive versus deductive stereotypic judgments, You Can't Beat Good Experiments With Correlational Evidence: Mullen, Johnson, and Salas's Meta-Analytic Misinterpretations, Productivity Loss in Brainstorming Groups: Tracking Down the Blocking Effect, The Köhler effect: Process gains in group productivity, Justice and Discrimination between Minimal Groups: The Limits of Equity. Social support among 67 college students who were given course credit was manipulated in a counterattitudinal essay-writing situation by the compliance or noncompliance of a confederate. FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gGmbH, Section of Health Care Research and Rehabilitation Research, Motivational bases of cultural and economic conservatism and consequences for the debate on the refugee crisis, Gaining Economic Profit or Losing Cultural Security: Framing Persuasive Arguments for Two Types of Conservatives, Gaining Economic Profit or Losing Cultural Security: Framing Persuasive Arguments for Two Types of Conservatives. Derzeit keine passenden Stellenangebote online gefunden? 19 Adressen zu Diehl in Mannheim mit Telefonnummer ☎, Öffnungszeiten und Bewertung ★ gefunden. Zahnverlust, Wurzelentzündungen und andere Zahnerkrankungen können die Lebensqualität beeinträchtigen. Wiederherstellung von Identität nach einer Bedrohung despersonalen Selbst. Wenn Sie die Website weiter nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. The illusion of group effectivity refers to the persistent belief that groups can stimulate creativity, in spite of consistent evidence that people are more productive when generating ideas individually rather than in groups. Office: University of Konstanz, Universitätsstraße 10, 78457 Konstanz, +49/7531 88 2682 Education & Professional Training 2001 PhD at University of Mannheim 1988-1994 Diploma in Sociology and Psychology, University of Mannheim 1991/1992 Graduate student at Indiana University of Bloomington Work Experience Tested dissonance and attribution theory predictions regarding the effect of social support on attitude change due to counterattitudinal advocacy in 4 studies. Two studies test assumptions derived from this approach regarding the effects of different combinations of consistency and consens... Self-other comparisons frequently evoke contrastive reactions, especially when the comparison dimension is relevant and when people strive to maintain or preserve a positive self-evaluation. Experiment 1 manipulated the length of group and individual sessions. Our broadly diversified product range comprises various business fields in different industrial sectors. Thus, a... Hypothesized that attitude judgments about unfamiliar objects are affected by the evaluative inconsistency of relevant attributes. Bibliogr. This research deals with the interplay of mood and multiple source characteristics in regard to persuasion processes and attitudes. The questionnaires addressed the participants (asking for their experiences), the workers (asking for their aims) and the leaders (asking for basic data). Diehl, Mannheim gesucht? : Sozialwissenschaft : Tübingen : 1984. Participants were presented with a segment of the 2002 Schroeder-Stoiber TV debate, in which the two candidates running for the post of German Chancellor argued for clearly different positions. Essentially, two different experimental paradigms can be distinguished: the paradigm of social loafing and the paradigm of free-riding. Nevertheless, using computer-mediated communication is often recommended to enhance idea production in brainstorming groups. In three studies, normal-weight women were asked to gauge satisfaction with their body weight. In Experiment 1, we manipulated assessment expectations in group and individual brainstorming. (submitted for publication), Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance: Job Ambivalence as a Moderator, The Role of Job Satisfaction, Job Ambivalence, and Emotions at Work in Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Motivation losses in teamwork: The effects of team diversity and equity sensitivity on reactions to Free-Riding, Bericht des Fachkollegiums Psychologie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und der DFG-Geschäftsstelle Psychologie, Youth camps and international encounters in the light of multi-level analysis: A model of joint self-evaluation in non-formal education, Mood and Multiple Source Characteristics: Mood Congruency of Source Consensus Status and Source Trustworthiness as Determinants of Message Scrutiny, Social identity and minimal groups: The effects of interpersonal and intergroup attitudinal similarity on intergroup discrimination, The Minimal Group Paradigm: Theoretical Explanations and Empirical Findings, Report of the Technical College Psychology Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the DFG Psychology office, Neuregelung zu Publikationsverzeichnissen bei DFG-Anträgen: Stellungnahme des DFG-Fachkollegiums Psychologie, Revision for Publication Directories at DFG Applications: Opinion of the DFG Psychology College, How temporal distance from past selves influences self‐perception, Does Matching Versus Mismatching Message Content to Attitude Functions Lead to Biased Processing? In two correlational studies (N = 112 and N = 210) we tested the assumption that cultural and economic conservatism should correspond to the two value dimensions defined by Schwartz (1994). According to the prototype-matching model of decision making decisions are based on available alternatives which are compared with the activated prototype in the respective context. p. 241-260. Electronic address: Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Telefon 0621/383-5097Telefax 0621/383-3817, Telefon 0621/383-2067Telefax 0621/383-1910, Geschäftsfeldleiter multimodale Mammadiagnostik, Telefon 0621/383-2067Telefax 0621/383-1910, E-Mail, Telefon 0621/383-2067 Telefax 0621/383-1910, E-Mail, Telefon 0621/383-2067 Telefax 0621/383-1910, E-Mail, OberärztinGeschäftsfeldleiterin Multimodale Mammadiagnostik, Leiterin des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für GefäÃanomalien, Telefon 0621/383-5098Telefax 0621/383-734577, DRG-Schwerpunktzentrum Kardiovaksuläre Bildgebung, DRG-Zentrum für Muskuloskelettale Radiologie, Zertifiziertes Kompetenzzentrum für chirurgische Erkrankungen des Pankreas. Self–other similarity is one factor that determines whether social comparison yields assimilation or contrast. Lilli, Waldemar, and Michael Diehl (1999): Regionale Identität in der Kurpfalz und in Südhessen: Untersuchungen zur Raumwahrnehmung, Raumbindung und Bewahrung regionaler Identität. RP4 A3 Family and the Welfare State in Europe. It is the basic assumption of BCT that discrimination of out-group members is caused by perceived attitudinal dissimilarity between in-group and out-group members. ABSOLVENTUM In Verbindung bleiben – Ein Netzwerk nutzen. Recent research suggests that different motivational bases underlie economic and cultural conservatism. Excellent in research and teaching Research and teaching at the School of Social Sciences takes an empirical-analytical approach, which is informed by theory and relies on quantitative methods.. We investigate the hypothesis that prevention-framed messages are perceived as more persuasive by participants high in cultural conservatism and when used to argue for cultural conservative polit... Based on research regarding the role of attitudinal ambivalence in the validity of attitudes in predicting behavior, we propose job ambivalence as a promising concept for job satisfaction research. Matching the message source to attitude functions: Implications for biased processing, Cognitive Stimulation in Computer-Supported Idea Generation, Finding Teammates Who Are Not Prone to Sucker and Free-Rider Effects: The Protestant Work Ethic as a Moderator of Motivation Losses in Group Performance, Romantic jealousy as a social comparison outcome: When similarity stings, Source Consistency, Distinctiveness, and Consensus: The Three Dimensions of the Kelley ANOVA Model in Persuasion, Evaluative contrast in social comparison: The role of distinct and shared features of the self and comparison others, What You Think Is What You Get: Comparative Evaluations of Close Relationships, Cognitive Stimulation and Interference in Idea-Generating Groups, Is politician A or politician B more persuasive? Zuständig für die Bürgerservices Sandhofen (Tel. Berufserfahrung von Nadine Diehl. Mehr lesen. The Role of Message Ambiguity, Communication Modality and Biased Processing: A Study on the Occasion of the German 2002 Election TV Debate. Sie können sich mit Ihrem Anliegen an jeden Bürgerservice der Stadt Mannheim wenden. Differences in the endorsement of the ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ can account for variance in motivation losses in group work. E-Mail: Nehmen Sie jetzt Kontakt auf zu Blumenhaus-Friedhofsgärtnerei Diehl Nachricht senden. When Social Support Fails: Supporter Characteristics in Compliance-Induced Attitude Change, Productivity Loss In Brainstorming Groups: Toward the Solution of a Riddle, Dichotomie und Distribution : Determinanten der Diskriminierung im Paradigma der minimalen Gruppen /, Conformity and counterattitudinal behavior: The effect of social support on attitude change, CONFORMITY AND COUNTER-ATTITUDINAL BEHAVIOR - THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL SUPPORT ON ATTITUDE-CHANGE, Entscheidungsregeln in multilateralen Konflikten, Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie und medizinische Soziologie, Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, Department of Psychology and Education Development. Ein Präsent an Ihre Freunde oder Bekannten wird so automatisch an die richtige Adresse geliefert. Cross-Cuing versus Self-Cuing- What Enhances Performance in a Brainstorming Task? (2)Mannheim Institute of Public Health, Social and Preventive Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 7-11, D-68167 Mannheim, Germany. THE-Fächerranking 2021: Universität Mannheim beste deutsche Uni in den Sozialwissenschaften Foto: Anna Logue. Stellvertretender Klinikdirektor Telefon 0621/383-5097 Telefax 0621/383-3817 E-Mail steffen.diehl@ Ingo J. Diel (Arzt) in Augustaanlage 7-11, 68165 Mannheim Das sagen Nutzer über Prof. Dr. Diel Finden Sie mehr zu Prof. Dr. Diel! Prof. Dr. med. This chapter builds on some 15 years of research on group idea generation carried out at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and Utrecht University, The Netherlands. With approx. Verwendung von Cookies. / Dichotomy and discrimination: The effects of cross-categorizations on discrimination in a minimal-group paradigm. The concept of attitudinal ambivalence refers to the degree to which an attitude object is evaluated positively and negatively at the same time. Kontakt aufnehmen! Sorry, you need to be a researcher to join ResearchGate. In two exper... A study was conducted to examine the hypothesis that matching (vs. mismatching) the source of a persuasive message to the functional basis of recipients’ attitudes may lead to positively biased processing. Dirk Diehl in Mannheim finden Sie mit privaten und beruflichen Informationen wie Biografien und Lebensläufe, Interessen und Berufe und mehr aus dem Internet … 66 oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter der … Pp. Secretary of department: Phone: +49-621-181-2804 . Electronic address: 101-121 in: Manfred Bornewasser, Roland Walkenhut (Eds.) In Study 1, self-evaluation was affected by accessible distincti... Three studies tested the hypothesis that focus of comparison moderates the influence of comparison standards on relationship satisfaction. Katharina Diehl. Unter den deutschen Universitäten belegt sie Platz 1 in den Teilbereichen Accounting & Finance, Business & Management und Volkwirtschaftslehre & Ökonometrie. 1 … It may be seen as a complementary review to the work by U. Becker-Beck (1994) and J. F. Schneider (1990), supplementing (1) the survey by J. M. Levine and R. L. Moreland (1992) in the Annual Review of Psychology, which included chief... During the last few years social psychologists have increasingly been engaged in studying work motivation in groups. In line with predictions, results indicated heightened message scrutiny in the case of inconsistent as compared to consistent source information. Hilger J, Loerbroks A, Diehl K (2017) Eating behaviour of university students in Germany: Dietary intake, barriers to healthy eating and changes in eating behavior since the time of matriculation. Diehl K(1), Mayer J(2), Thiel A(2), Zipfel S(3), Schneider S(4). It was hypothesized that crossing 2 dimensions of social categorization leads to overlapping group memberships and a reduction in intergroup discrimination. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter … former staff member. Participants recalled their past self either at age 9 or 15. A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Sie wollen wissen, wo diese ist? Denn eine Partnerschaft mit Diehl hält – oft ein Arbeitsleben lang. Bei allen Teilnehmenden wurde zusätzlich das disposit... Group brainstorming and collaborative remembering are two research lines studying social influence on cognitive processes of knowledge retrieval. 1991/92 studierte sie an der Indiana University Bloomington.Ab 1995 war sie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am MZES in Mannheim, wo sie 2001 promoviert wurde. Prof. Dr. Steffen Diehl, Radiologe in Mannheim, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1 - 3. Participation of Immigrants. Author information: (1)Mannheimer Institut für Public Health, Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim, Universität Heidelberg, Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 7-11, 68167, Mannheim, Deutschland. Forschung am Institut fuer Klin. Minimal invasive Therapie, Leitung: Prof. Dr. Steffen Diehl. Performance matching due to social comparison has been proposed as one explanation for the observed productivity loss in group brainstorming (Brown & Paulus, 1996; Paulus & Dzindolet, 1993). A contradiction to equity theory (ET), however, exists only if one is committed to the transferability of ET from intragroup to intergroup relations. werden direkt übertragen. Uni Mannheim. Radiologie Mannheim , Direktor Prof. Dr. med. Previous research on the question of whether matching message content to the functional basis of people's attitudes may lead to biased message processing has been inconclusive. Prof. Dr. Steffen Diehl. Kontakt aufnehmen! In a four-factorial experiment, mood (positive vs. negative), source consensus status (majority vs. minority), source trustworthiness (high vs. low), and message strength (strong vs. weak) were manipulated. University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers, Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles, Health care professionals, including clinical researchers, Journalists, citizen scientists, or anyone interested in reading and discovering research. This was done in two experiments that tested the hypothesis that recipients would scrutinize a message more... To test for the effect of multiple source information on message scrutiny, in a three-factorial experiment source likability, source expertise, and argument quality were manipulated independently. Katharina DIEHL, Project Manager of Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg | Read 196 publications | Contact Katharina DIEHL Based on the premise that people want their romantic partners to see themselve... Based on a conceptual analysis and existing research, the authors propose that the three source dimensions specified in the ANOVA model play similar roles in persuasion as other source characteristics (e.g., expertise). 7 Jahre und 11 Monate, Juni 2011 - Apr. : 0621 7898416), Schönau (Tel. These two past selves differ in levels of identification with gender and thus denote different standards of comparison. This study examines the contribution of a personality variable in motivation losses in group performance. Both show that coacting others impair performance due to production blocking and/or retrieval strategy disruption. Various mostly cross-sectional studies have established that job satisfaction is related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Frederik Diehl im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Initiativbewerbung. Results wer... Two experiments are reported which test Rokeach's belief congruence theory (BCT) against predictions from Tajfel's social identity theory (SIT). Therefore, the question arises whether there would be more permissiveness in reaction to ingroup free-riders than outgroup free-riders. A major goal of the present study was to show that job ambivalence (i.e., the coexistence of positive and negative job evaluations) moderates the job satisfaction-OCB relationship. Although productivity was higher... Diss. E‐mail: [email protected] Search for more papers by this author Im Profil von Frederik Diehl sind 3 Jobs angegeben. Michaela Diehl. Dabei wird nur ein kleiner Teil Ihrer IP-Adresse gespeichert. According to Taifel's accentuation theory, national stereotypes can be thought of as the correlation between trait dimensions and national affiliations, This correlation is high when the trait shows high homogeneity within and high distinctiveness between the national groups. All rights reserved. : 0621 181-1049 forum(at) During these years, three questions have been the primary focus of attention: How can the productivity loss of brainstorming groups be explained? Durch diese anonyme Statistik können wir feststellen wie hoch das Interesse an unseren Webseiten und deren Inhalten ist. Findings in previous research on the effectiveness of computer brainstorming groups as compared to other kinds of brainstorming groups are equivocal with regard to the quantity and quality of idea production. Ethnisches und nationales Bewußtsein - Zwischen Globalisierung und Regionalisierung. 17,300 employees worldwide, the long-established Diehl company generates annual sales of 3.7 billion euros. The present studies examine how perceived temporal distance from past selves influences perceptions of the current self. The similarity of alternatives to the prototype determines preferences and decision making. Blumenhaus-Friedhofsgärtnerei Diehl in Mannheim wurde aktualisiert am 13.11.2020. Angewandte Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaften, Dialyse für medizinische Fachangestellte, Anerkennungsjahr für Hebammen und Krankenschwestern, Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Leistungsspektrum radiologische Diagnostik, Mehr über die genutzten Cookies erfahren. Participants' preference for one of two politicians running for the post of Chancellor in Germany was measured. There is pervasive evidence that people produce more ideas and more good ideas when working alone rather than in groups. Objektleitung Nadine Diehl Rektorat, Abteilung Kommunikation Universität Mannheim Schloss, 68131 Mannheim Tel. In den aktuellen QS World University Fächerrankings ist die Universität Mannheim in der Kategorie Sozialwissenschaften and Management mit Rang 73 weltweit sehr gut platziert.
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